Obstetrical Office Visit Week 8


At our office, eight weeks is generally considered the first or “new” ob visit.  This is a busy office visit in that your provider will obtain your medical history, including medical conditions, past surgeries, past obstetrical history, gyn history, medications you may take, your family history and finally your social history.  Social history refers not only to your job or social conditions, but also exposure to alcohol, smoking and drugs. We also ask about more “random” things like if you have a cat or change kitty litter.

If a physical exam has not been performed in the past year, I will do so at this time.  If a pap smear is needed that will be collected as well as gonorrhea and chlamydia cultures.  For women who have not yet had one, a pelvic ultrasound is performed to confirm or ascertain your baby’s due date.  Not all women ovulate predictably and your “date” based on your last menstrual period may not be accurate. In that case, a this ultrasound may be critical to determine correct dating.

Once your dates have been confirmed, the “roadmap” for your pregnancy will be established.  For the most part, pregnancies follow a predictable course of lab work, ultrasounds and genetic testing if so desired.  However, based on your particular risk factors and prior pregnancies, there may be additional testing recommended.  Some patients will require multiple ultrasounds.  Others may require non-stress tests or NSTs to ensure your baby’s well-being.  There will be discussion regarding your diet and foods to avoid.  Patients will be informed of their options for genetic testing, including cell-free Fetal DNA, (such as Innatal), and other screening tests like Nuchal translucency and First – Trimester Screening test, if they so desire to pursue.

It is also at this visit that you will have blood work performed.  The labs drawn are important for the health of your pregnancy and there is quite a bit.  Typical labs include your blood type and antibodies you may have, testing for Hepatitis B and Syphilis, titers for Rubella and Varicella, a CBC to test your white blood cells, your blood count and platelets and a TSH level.  Depending on your ethnicity or family history additional labs may be needed.   A urine sample for culture will also be ordered.

Further discussion involves  your diet, exercise, and travel that may be pertinent for the duration of your pregnancy.

Please feel free to discuss any concerns you may have additionally.

Your followup visit is 4 weeks.  See ya in a month!

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